Dividen KLBF ( Kalbe Farma )


Dividen KLBF

Tabel berikut berisi daftar pengeluaran kas dividen KLBF yang dibayarkan oleh Kalbe Farma Tbk.

YearCash Dividend
Dividend Payout Ratio
 2014 19 43
2013  17 42
 201219 51
 201195 60
2009 2526 

Chronological Share Listing


Listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(previously Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchange)

Increase in the Number of Shares

July 30, 1991Initial Public Offering and Partial Listing20,000,000
April 23, 1992 (JSX)
May 22, 1992 (SSX)
Company Listing30,000,000
November 10, 1992 (SSX)
November 17, 1992 (JSX)
Bonus Shares50,000,000
May 4, 1993Right Issue8,000,000
July 15, 1994 (SSX)
July 18, 1994 (JSX)
Bonus Shares and
Stock Dividend
October 7, 1996Change in the nominal value of shares from Rp 1,000 to Rp 500 per share216,000,000
August 24, 1999Change in the nominal value of shares from Rp 500 to Rp 100 per share1,728,000,000
December 6, 2000Bonus Shares1,900,800,000
Desember 19, 2003Change in the nominal value of shares from Rp 100 to Rp 50 per share4,060,800,000
Desember 16, 2005Additional issuance of shares in connection with the manager2,034,414,422
October 2, 2012Change in the nominal value of shares from Rp 50 to Rp 10 per share


May 20, 2013Decrease in issued and fully-paid shares in connection with the cancellation of treasury stocks


Sumber : Website Kalbe Farma